Truck rear axle systems
Powertrain axle systems

Truck rear axle systems

Self-assured in every situation.

This product range is highly suitable for nearly all commercial categories, in urban areas or overland, from delivery to heavy trucks.

We use our customers’ experience, their requirements and demands as an essential precondition in the development and technology of new axle concepts. Our innovative state-of-the-art engineering and our quality-driven plants in Germany give our axles outstanding performance in:

  • Durability
  • Fuel efficiency
  • Quiet operation

Top vehicle manufacturers around the world know they can depend on these features of our axles and the reliability of our services. This leads us to one of the world’s biggest producers of commercial axles.

Convince yourself and discover the advantages of Mercedes-Benz axles.

Product features.

  • Wheel-end sizes from 17.5 to 22.5 inches
  • Hypoid and planetary driven
  • Ring gear diameter from 233 to 485 mm
  • Axle loads from 6.2 to 16 t (per axle)
  • Gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) from 6.5 to 250 t
  • High fuel efficiency
  • Easy maintenance and long oil change intervals
  • Long lifetime and quiet operations due to our optimized gear set design
  • Additional payload due to weight optimized design
  • Maintenance free wheel hubs
  • New Final Drive axle with optimized oil management reduces fuel consumption
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