Integrated Powertrain.

Integrated Powertrain

Integrated Powertrain.

In perfect harmony.

Mercedes-Benz Integrated Powertrain.

In perfect harmony.

When driving comfort and economic efficiency pull together: only an integrated powertrain features an engine system, transmission and axles trimmed for efficiency from the start, developed and produced in such a way that they are perfectly tailored to each other.

An optimally synchronised powertrain that provides maximum fuel efficiency, maximum economic efficiency, and extraordinary driving dynamics.

 Mercedes-Benz integrierter Antriebsstrang.


Download our latest brochures to get an overview about our product portfolio: Engines, transmissions and axles.

Further topics.

Powertrain Motorensysteme

Powertrain Engines.

Our engines set benchmarks.

Powertrain Transmissions.

Reliable transmissions for a wide range of applications.

Powertrain Achssysteme

Powertrain axle systems.

The most efficient way to deliver power to the road.